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17 November 2022 - 25 November 2022
Málaga, Spain
ENDR Conference on Dual-Use Technologies 2022

Day 1: 17th november

Opening session

Master of ceremony: Stéphane Ruiz Coupeau. Project Officer, IDEA Agency  

08:30 - 09:00Registration and welcome coffee
09:00 - 09:15
- Paul Anciaux. Policy Officer. European Commission, DG DEFIS
- Esperanza Nieto Lobo. DG Palnning, Economic and Financial Policy. Regional Andalusian Government
09:15 - 09:35
Spanish Cyberspace Combat System: current and future technologies  

Colonel Francisco Palomo. Joint Cyberspace Command (CMCCE). Spanish Ministry of Defence

09:35 - 09:55
European cybersecurity and cyber defence market
Andreas Mitrakas. Head of Unit. European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

Funding opportunities at EU level

09:55 - 10:20
Opportunities offered by the European Defence Fund: focus on cyber defence and digital transformation.

Getter Oper. Policy Officer, European Commission, DG DEFIS

10:20 - 10:40

Opportunities offered by Horizon Europe and Digital Europe: focus on cybersecurity and digital.

Fidel Santiago. Programme Manager, European Commission, DG CNECT

10:40 - 10:50
Building consortia: Enterprise Europe Network as a key enabler

Nuria Villén. Project Officer, IDEA Agency

Coffee Break 

Cybersecurity & cyber defence: how to strengthen cyber resilience and European cyber market    

11:15 - 12:15

Mar López, Founder and VP, W4Cyber Spain

  • Roberto Cascella. Head of Sector, European Cyber Security Organisation. 
  • Jorge MaestreSenior Specialist in Cyber Defence, Indra. 
  • Belén García Molano. Vice President and Technology and Development Director, Airbus Defence and Space.

Regional experiences on supporting cybersecurity industry    

12:15 - 12:55
Andalusian case-study:

Enrique Rando González, ITC Services Management, Andalusian
Digital Agency 

Bretagne case-study:

Hélène Morin. Head of European affairs department, Bretagne Développement Innovation


    Pitches and demos

    Sessions for SMEs, industry, other organisations to introduce their innovative solutions.   

    Digital technologies critical for defence
    14:25 - 15:25
    Session 1
      15:30 - 16:30
      Session 2

      Business-to-Business (B2B)

      Business-to-Corporations meetings (Tech Challenges)     

      16:30 - 18:30
      Matchmaking facilitated by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at the venue

      Day 2: 18th november

      Site visits - Andalusia Technology Park              

      09:00 - 14:00

      Malaga Tech Park Headquarters

      Hispasec Sistemas, S.L.

      Babel Group

      Quandum Aerospace S.L.

      Closed since 16 November 2022
      Hotel Eurostars Málaga
      Organised by
      Participants 116
      Meetings 90
      Spain 110
      France 9
      Greece 8
      Portugal 7
      Belgium 6
      Romania 5
      Poland 5
      Netherlands 3
      Croatia 3
      Italy 3
      Sweden 2
      Hungary 2
      Slovakia 1
      Austria 1
      Lithuania 1
      Germany 1
      Total 167
      Company 100
      Authority/Government 22
      Other 16
      University 13
      Association/Agency 10
      R&D Institution 6
      Total 167
      Profile views
      Before event 1559
      After event 36
      Total 1595